Student Microgrants

Grant End Date: June 30, 2025

Rural Humanities invites student (both undergraduate and graduate) working on research, public humanities, community-engaged projects, and public-facing events that focus on rural New York State to apply for  funding by February 15, 2025. $1,000 is available per project. 

The definition of “project” can vary depending on what students expect to achieve. Projects could include archival research at Cornell Library or other collections such as The History Center in Tompkins County; mapping or digital humanities projects; small place-based research projects on specific sites, memorials, or monuments on the Cornell campus or in/around Ithaca; deep dives into places of historical or contemporary significance to rural life; etc. Each project should include a plan for public dissemination. The website will host project pages to share images and research results. Projects can supplement activities for a course in which students may be enrolled, or they may be entirely extra-curricular.

Public-facing events may include webinars, lectures, conversations, podcasts, author discussions, or other one-off audio(visual) events (not conferences or workshops) that can be readily recorded, archived, disseminated, and viewed by wider audiences as a public good. We welcome new and innovative project and event ideas.

Application Procedures

To apply for funds of up to $1,000 per project, please write a brief description (max. 2 pages, single-spaced) that addresses the following four points and headings:

  1. Project or event description: Describe in detail the project – who or what you want to explore, why it interests you, the expected significance, the resources you plan to use (books, archives, interviews, etc.). For events, describe in detail the event and its constituents (speaker/s, other participants, any students’ involvement, intended audience, community partners), with an explanation of how each constituency will participate in the event.
  2. Format: what formats will you use for the project or event? How do you plan to document your research or event and what audiences would you like it to reach?
  3. Timeline: Timeline must be completed by June 30, 2025.
  4. Budget: Please provide a budget for the proposed project. Funds may be used to purchase supplies, books, or software; defray travel costs; compensate service provides, community partners, or interviewees; print promotional materials. Funds may not be used to compensate students or student groups.

Please send application materials in a single .pdf to with the subject line "Student Microgrant - [YOUR NAME]."

Apply by February 15, 2025 to access funds through the grant end date of June 30, 2025.

